
Saturday, November 9, 2013

Veterans Day

Veterans Day is not only a time of celebration and remembrance, it is a day to honor the sacrifice of the many thousands of active service members, and veterans from previous conflicts that gave the ultimate sacrifice, putting their lives on the line for our political freedoms.  

We are a remarkable country made up of remarkable men and women and families that serve on a daily basis for our rights to protest, and profit.  These remarkable individuals deserve our respect and honor daily, but most especially on this one day November 11th set aside each year for them and their families.  

So find a moment in your day to attend the Veterans Day Parade in your town, or to at least find it in your heart to say Thank you to a service member and or a veteran.  In fact it is a beautiful habit to develop as a Nation of grateful citizens year round, when you see a returning veteran alone in an airport.  

Regardless your belief about the conflicts or wars this country has been in and is currently involved in, these men and women are the wall that protects us from the outside world.  They sacrifice their lives daily for our well being as a part of their job description.  It's a bit rougher than being a barrister at Starbucks. 

Be grateful that this all volunteer Service is willing to be there on the front lines of conflict, when you are not. often missing college years, the birth of their children, key years of their family life, etc. So Say thank you for your service, and be respectful on Veterans Day if not every day.   

Dr Kevin

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